Earlier today I started to write a post, then read the last post I wrote back in April and had to take a break for some sadness. As many of you know, my dearest Howard passed over in November, and my life has been totally upside down since then. BUT the good news is that I'm working on putting my sewing/quilting room back together after my move -- along with the rest of the house, of course, but, hey, "I got me priorities!"
I've given myself two weeks to be able to sit at my sewing machine again -- it's been lonely since last spring! And my poor neglected longarm has been waiting even longer!
As I sort through "stuff" hanging around on tables and on shelves and baskets where they have "rested" for months, I think inspiration will strike me!
One of the biggest things I had wanted to do last year, and I'm going to give it a go this year -- 50 quilts from my stash by December 2012. If you want the challenge, I'll be posting patterns each week that will make this goal possible ... just hang on for a few :)
Calving Season...
1 week ago